Mortality Surface, Algeria, 1977-2014

Source: Annual publications of the Office for National Statistics ONS (Five-ages mortality rates) ; missing data has been estimated by Flici (2014) , Single ages mortality rates interpolated and old age mortality rates have been extrapolated by Flici (2020 ).

  • Mortality data is available startting from 1977. Based on vital statistics, the Office of National Statistics (ONS) had published abbridged life tables for males, females, and both sexes population. Some years of the period 1977-1997 were missing, and some life tables were closed out before reaching the age of 80 years old.
  • Later on, we have estimated missing data in the crude surface (Flici, 2014), and we have interpolated and extended the Age Specific Mortality years to older ages (Flici, 2016). The paper was revised and published in its final version as Flici (2020).
  • The three type of data for males, females, and both sexes population can be accessed through the links below:
  • --- Males Females Both Sexes
    ONS data
    ONS data being completed
    ASMRS detailled mortality surface

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