Selected Publications

Selected Publications

  • Flici, F. (2024, in press). Q2q: an R package for Interpolating Mortality Rates at all Ages. -- ---, 6(31), 1–18. __
  • Flici, F.; Chinoune, M. (2024). Algerian elders are living longer lives, but shorter lives free of chronic diseases: An analysis of the 2006-2019 period. Population Medicine, 6(31), 1–8.
  • Chinoune, M.; Flici, F.; (2024). Which Chronic Diseases Contribute the Most to Healthy Life Years Lost in Algeria?. Chronic Illness, 20(3), 395–404.
  • Flici, F.; Domingues-Fabian, I.(2024). Sustaining Algeria’s Retirement System in the Population Aging Context: Could a Contribution Cap Strategy Work?. Risks, 12(6), 96.
  • Flici, F.(2023). The limits of parametric reforms in sustaining the Algerian retirement system in a context of population ageing. International Social Security Review, 76(3):47-67.
  • Assas, H., Flici, F., Saidi, G., & Hannani, Y. (2023). Construction Of Experience Life-tables For The Algerian Survivor Pensions’ Beneficiaries. Les Cahiers du CREAD, 39(2):341-363.
  • Chinoune, M., Flici, F., & Saidi, G.(2023). Analysis of the recent evolution of healthy life expectancy in the MENA region with a focus on Algeria. Tanzania Journal of Health Research, 24(1):1-10.
  • Flici, F., & Chinoune, M. (2022). Analysis of Recent Changes in Chronic Disease-Free Life Expectancy in Algeria. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal, 28(12):872-878. doi:10.26719/emhj.22.091
  • Flici, F. (2022). Rethinking the contribution-benefit linkage in Pay-As-You-Go retirement systems based on the Algerian case. Revija za Socijalnu Politiku, 29(2), 281-295.. doi: 10.3935/rsp.v29i2.1822
  • Flici, F., & Kouaouci, A. (2021). Population ageing in Algeria: Why should we start caring about? [Policy Brief A/2021/01]. Research Center in Applied Economics for Development CREAD, Algiers, Algeria. URL:
  • Flici, F., & Hammouda, N. E. (2021). Mortality evolution in Algeria: What can we learn about data quality?. Vienna Yearbook of Population Research 19(1), 1-19, doi:
  • Flici, F. (2021). Coherent Mortality Forecasting for the Algerian Population. Insurance and Risk Management Journal 87(3-4), 209-31, doi:
  • Flici, F. (2020). Analyzing the Trend of Life Expectancy Evolution in Algeria from 1962 to 2018: The S-logistic Segmentation with Jumps. Population Review 59(1), 56-72, doi: 10.1353/prv.2020.0002
  • Flici, F., & Planchet, F. (2020). Financial Sustainability of the Algerian Retirement System: a perspective analysis of the 50 coming years. In Peris-Ortiz, M.; Alvarez-Garcia, J.; Dominguèz-Fabian, I. and Devolder, P. (Eds), Economic Challenges of Pension Systems- A saistainability and International Management Perspective, Springer Nature, Switzerland.
  • Flici, F. (2020). Closing-Out the Algerian Life Tables: for More Accuracy and Adequacy at Old-Age. Acturial Research Clearing House, 2020(2), 2.
  • Flici, F., & Planchet, F. (2019). Experience Prospective Life-Tables for the Algerian Retirees, Risks, 7(2), 38, doi:10.3390/risks7020038
  • Flici, F. (2019). On the redesign of Pay-As-You-Go retirement systems: Towards more generational and inter-generational equality. Presented at the Section Colloquia of the International Actuarial Association, Cape-Town, South Africa (April).
  • Chinoune, M., & Flici, F. (2019). Assessing the quality of national life tables in Algeria using specific survey. Conference paper. 8th African Population Conference, Entebbe, Uganda (November).
  • Flici, F., Senouci, K., et Hannani, Y. (2017). Tables de mortalité d'expérience incorporant une échelle de projection: adaptation au cas des retraites en Algérie, Bulletin Français d’Actuariat, 17(34), 5-32.
  • Flici, F. (2016). Provisionnement des rentes viagères en Algérie entre approche statique et approche prospective, Bulletin Français d’Actuariat, 16(31), 5-40.
  • Flici, F. (2016). Forecasting the age-specific fertility rates of the Algerian population up to 2050 , MPRA Paper No. 99077.
  • Flici, F. (2015). Mortality forecasting for the Algerian population with considering cohort effect, Proceeding of the International Association of Actuaries. IAAC 2015. Oslo-Norway.
  • Flici, F. (2014). Estimation of the missing life tables in the Algerian mortality Surface (1977- 1999) by using the Lee-Carter formula, Presented at SMTDA-2014. June 2014, Lisbon. Portugal.